My Projects

Text Mining Projects

Document Similarity

Find songs similar to other songs based on guitar chord similarity.

Built with Python, Flask, and SciKit-Learn.

Hosted on Google App Engine.

GitLab Source Code and Documentation

Document Similarity

Find the similarity between multiple documents (sets of text) such as restaurant reviews, movie synopsis, Wikipedia articles, etc.

Built with Python, D3.js, Flask, and Scikit-Learn.

Hosted on

GitHub Source Code

Text Classification

Predict the Service Desk group that your issue will be assigned to based on your text input.

Built with Google AutoML for text classification, Flask for the front-end.

Hosted on Google App Engine

Named Entity Recognition

Visualize and quantify what people, places, and things, popular artists sang about and how much they sang about those people places and things.

Built with D3.js, Spacy, Python.

Hosted on GitHub Pages

GitHub Source Code

Topic Mining, Sentiment Analysis

Ranking top dishes at these Greek Restaurants based on sentiment analysis and average ratings from Yelp reviews datasets.

Hosted on Tableau Public

Topic Mining, Sentiment Analysis

Ranking top restaurants for these Greek dishes based on sentiment analysis and average ratings from Yelp reviews datasets.

Hosted on Tableau Public

Visualization Projects

Larger counties leaned against Trump in the 2016 presidential election, while voters in the vast majority of smaller, mostly rural counties, voted for Trump at a 50% or greater rate.